Friday, March 22, 2019

Compared With 2000, Tech Is Playable

&l;p&g;&l;img class=&q;dam-image ap size-large wp-image-bcf8d3115fbd4fdb83fd3adbf03ea47a&q; src=&q;; data-height=&q;618&q; data-width=&q;960&q;&g; (AP Photo/Gregory Bull) Photocredit: Associated Press.

My memory of carnage during the tech bubble of 2000-01 is indelible. Microsoft was the best of the worst, down just 20%. Shrinkage among the top 10 names in the Nasdaq 100 Index ranged up to 80% with Cisco down 77% and Intel minus 63%. Meantime, internet infrastructure providers like Akamai Technologies and Inktomi sold at 80 to 100 times revenues. Analysts employed 10-year discounted cash flow models to justify their picks.

Armchair investors coulda turned down tech then as overpriced just by looking at five-year comparisons of price-to-revenues metrics. Anyone who pays more than two times the growth rate for anything is bound to incur severe heartburn. Overvaluation in tech took some 25 years to correct. This sector now sells closer to parity with the S&a;amp;P 500 Index at 18 times earnings, itself a heady multiplier.

Yearend, 2001, Microsoft&a;rsquo;s market capitalization of $357 billion was the standout among top 10 technology stocks. Intel and IBM with market caps around $200 billion remained distant runners-up.

Microsoft then sold at 12 times next year&a;rsquo;s projected revenues with Intel at eight times. The most outlandish reading belonged to Qualcomm at 19 times. Hewlett Packard sold at one times sales with IBM at two times. Facebook was still a dormitory concept. Nobody talked much about Apple&a;rsquo;s computer while Cisco Systems at 17.7 times trailing three-year average price-to-sales stood egregiously rich but blessed by the analyst community.

Exodus Communications, where are you? Its market cap evaporated from $35 billion to $800 million or $1.41 a share. Exodus was never more than a string of computer server farms purveying capacity to web-hosting customers. It was strongly recommended by JPMorgan Chase, but its demise barely noted.

Fast forwarding to 2015, Microsoft held onto its primacy with a market cap of $349 billion. (Minimally changed during 14 years.) But, its defining metrics had diverged markedly. Microsoft now sold at 3.7 times projected forward year&a;rsquo;s revenues. Cisco rested at three times and Qualcomm fell back into the pack at four times revenues. Intel kicked off the nineties at 10 times earnings, perceived as a viciously cyclical operator. By 1998, it sold at 30 times earnings, accepted as a great growth story. Cisco at its peak sold over 80 times projected results.

When all else failed, The Street resorted to the metric of revenues to market capitalization. This is normally the darkest before dawn metric when companies show little or no earnings. Price-earnings ratios don&a;rsquo;t work on minimal numbers.

Speaking of volatility, average monthly price changes for Nasdaq ran above 11% in 2001. This was its high watermark since creation of the index in 1971. The 2001 technology rout stands as the striking metaphor for the shabby decadence of Wall Street&a;rsquo;s so-called star analyst system and their underwriting houses that flogged bad paper, riding down their picks 80% to 90% before turning &a;ldquo;neutral.&a;rdquo;

Don&a;rsquo;t be overly simplistic. Tech analysts never refer to liberal accounting standards most companies adhere to. Everyone uses non-GAAP earnings in shareholder reports. Nobody uses GAAP reporting because it accounts for stock issuance to key employees at no cost to them. Variance in earnings can range 20% to 40% between GAAP and non-GAAP.

Because stock grants are made year-after-year, Warren Buffett is right that these recurrent charges that should be expensed, annually. The Securities and Exchange Commission weasels out of this issue by just requiring publication of both methodologies in financial statements. Analysts never address GAAP earnings because they&a;rsquo;d have nothing to flog and managements could deny them access.

Today, when you look at big internet and e-commerce names like Amazon, Alphabet, Facebook and Alibaba, you are looking at $500 billion to $800 billion sized market capitalizations. Throw in Microsoft, now high man in the S&a;amp;P 500, dishing out Amazon. There&a;rsquo;s logic herein because Microsoft sells on earnings momentum, free cash flow and a price-earnings ratio no more than 1.5 times market valuation.

Amazon&a;rsquo;s earnings power is mainly on the come line, excepting its cloud computer service sector, a meaningful profit center so Jeff Bezos breaks out numbers in quarterly reports. I own Amazon, viewing it as the creative destruction lever in retailing. So far Walmart and Costco hold their own, their valuation at a steep premium.

Let&a;rsquo;s review price-to-revenues comparisons, currently vs. 2015. Amazon then traded at 1.7 times revenues, but now we&a;rsquo;re over three times. Facebook ticked then at a heady 12 times revenues, now closer to 5.5. Microsoft was at 3.7 times revenues, but this has moved up to 6.5 times as Microsoft is very profitable. The preferred metric is its price-earnings ratio, still playable. Alphabet, 2015 sold at six times revenues, now closer to five times. At least, on price-to-revenues comparisons, tech is no longer so pricey, excepting Amazon where everyone&a;rsquo;s waiting for e-commerce earnings to kick in.

I use operating cash flow as the preferred metric that at least defines wherewithal of the company in question to grow its footprint without leveraging itself. This can get me down to a mid-teens multiplier where at least as a player I can rationalize owning Facebook, Alibaba and Alphabet. It doesn&a;rsquo;t apply to Amazon.

Microsoft is my pick because you can work with traditional yardsticks like price-earnings ratios and the free cash-flow multiplier. It&a;rsquo;s my candidate to dominate the S&a;amp;P 500 Index for years to come. Still, there&a;rsquo;re elements in the income statements of Facebook and Alphabet that are undeniably powerful. Both spend 15% of revenues on R&a;amp;D and operating cash flow numbers are sizable relative to market capitalization. Shadows of government regulation do hover over Facebook and Alphabet. Coming operational controls could be more confining than what the banking sector faced after the 2008-09 meltdown.

The market has placed Microsoft&a;rsquo;s market valuation on Amazon which sports none of the numbers&a;rsquo; gratification carried by Microsoft. I see a run rate for Microsoft at $5 a share with $40 billion in free cash flow on a $875 billion market capitalization. In the growth sector, Microsoft is competitive with anything that walks and talks.

Facebook, in the midst of enormous management upheaval, is too sketchy to model definitively. Who knows what happens to viewer usage and thereafter its advertising rate structure? Zuck&a;rsquo;s vision for his company is as yet unsaid. I&a;rsquo;m underweighted, but operating cash flow numbers keep me interested. Past summer&a;rsquo;s high of $218 is a fond memory but Facebook did bounce up 30% from its $123 low.

Amazon is the other side of the coin. The analyst consensus sticks to its projection of $2,200 to $2,400 with a present tick of $1,797. Everyone&a;rsquo;s dealing with pie-in-the-sky, projecting huge earnings ahead for e-commerce here and abroad.

If you twisted my arm Facebook holds onto their 2 billion users with no diminution of advertising revenues, but no 20% growth rate. I&a;rsquo;m assuming $28 billion in net income which comes in at $10 a share. Facebook must carry its burden of disbelief and sell at a market multiplier until the dust settles.

I assume the enormous spend for R&a;amp;D and marketing continues, showing some productivity. Present free cash-flow yield looks like 4%, a non-dismissive number. Nor is its operating cash flow multiplier of 15 irrelevant. Last year, corporate head-count rose 42% to 35,000. I&a;rsquo;ve never seen such scale-up in employment, anywhere excepting an army on a war footing.

Summing up: &a;nbsp;We&a;rsquo;re not in tech bubble territory. Microsoft is preeminently investable. Amazon remains inscrutable, but still a fling kind of play. Apple ain&a;rsquo;t overpriced. Alphabet faces regulatory issues, but is a better-than-market-weight investment. Market weight Facebook.

In today&a;rsquo;s environment, the going rate for a screwup by management is at least 20%. Does anybody but me remember that Douglas Aircraft, whose DC-9 was Boeing&a;rsquo;s competition in 1960, rushed into production, but couldn&a;rsquo;t fulfill its order book that was too competitively priced. Douglas went out of business because it had too much business.


&l;strong&g;&l;em&g;Sosnoff and / or his managed accounts own: Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon, Alphabet, Alibaba and Boeing.



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